Club Contacts

The Club is run by a Board of thirteen Trustees, a Football Management Committee and Age Group Coordinators. Here are some of the enthusiastic, hardworking volunteers whom you may wish to contact. But don’t give them a hard time. They don’t get paid for this!

If it’s a general enquiry, please complete the enquiry form.

Key Trustees and Committee Members

Role Name Contact
Chair of Trustees Chris Armond chairman(AT)
Operations Manager Stuart Riches operations(AT)
Club Administrator and Secretary Claire Roger admin(AT)
Club Welfare Officer Joanna Conway welfare(AT)
Head Coach Steve McHugh coaching(AT)


Age Groups





Age Group Name Contact
U7 Boys Chris Perry berkhamstedraidersu7s(AT)
U8 Boys Leanne Day leanne.berkoraiders(AT)
U9 Boys Ian Strang ian.e.strang(AT)
U10 Boys Fiona Rasitrick Fionaberkoraiders(AT)
U11 Boys Ian Strang ian.e.strang(AT)
U12 Boys Shaun Dowse shaun.douse.brcfc(AT)
U13 Boys Mark Walter mwalter27(AT)
U14 Boys Ed Garner edgarner.raiders(AT)
U15 Boys Paul Yarker paul.yarker(AT)
U16 Boys Chris Bertham chris.berhtam(AT)
U18 Boys Wayne Bennett waynebennettraiders(AT)
U18 Boys Sean McKay sean.mckay.brcfc(AT)
U8 Girls Mark Lawlor lawlor_mark(AT)
U9 Girls Helen Derbyshire helend.raiders(AT)
U10 Girls Cassie Goodison cassmi(AT)
U11 Girls Andy Besent andy.besentAT)
U12 Girls John Mckenzie mackenziejohn(AT)
U13 Girls Guy Barlow guybarlow(AT)
U14 Girls Jon Hoar jonathanhoar(AT)
U15 Girls John Bell johnbelljubble(AT)
U16 Girls Nicola Everitt nicw30(A)
U18 Girls Cheryl Lyon cheryl.lyon(AT)