About the Club
Berkhamsted Raiders CFC has become one of the most successful and respected youth football clubs in the country, and in Europe!
In 2019, we were awarded Dacorum Community Sports Club of the Year. We have been awarded Herts FA Charter Standard Community Club of the Year five times. And in 2016, Raiders won the national FA Charter Standard Community Club award and the UEFA European Grassroots Club of the Year – Silver Award. The awards recognise the magnificent work that Raiders volunteers put into running the club – the Trustees of the Charity, Committee Members, Age Group Coordinators, Managers, Assistant Managers, Coaches, Parent Representatives, Match Day Delegates and parents who make this Club what it is.
We receive great support from our local schools, Ashlyns, Bridgewater, Berkhamsted, Greenway and Thomas Coram Schools in making Raiders a true Community Club. We thank those who support and help fund our activities – local schools, businesses and individual parents – through their support, sponsorship and volunteer time and dedication.
In 2020/21, we will provide sport for a record number of members – around 1,200 boys and girls playing football in 94 teams from U7 to U18, plus a Ladies team, a Veterans team, Senior team, and sections for Walking Football and Inclusive Football. Our fastest growing section is Girls Football – our priority in terms of the club’s development.
An FA Charter Standard Community Club… show Respect!
As an FA Charter Standard Community Club, we expect the highest standards of conduct from our players, parents and supporters. We are passionate supporters of the FA Respect campaign. We ask that you keep this in mind as you support your Raiders team. Always remember that football is there for the enjoyment of the kids, whether they win or lose.