Sponsor Raiders
If you own or run a successful local business then Berkhamsted Raiders CFC is the perfect opportunity for you to both promote your business and to support a local community charity.
It costs more than £350,000 each year to provide participation in football for our 1,200 boys and girls. Around 70% of this is raised from membership subscriptions; the remainder is generated through fundraising, contributions from local businesses and individual donations. We are always looking for successful local businesses to provide sponsorship for our Club. Sponsors find that their donation is re-paid many times over. The sponsorship helps to:
- Build links between your business and the local community.
- Enhance your business image.
- Increase local awareness of your business.
- Build goodwill among the community and other local businesses.
- Promote your business and attract new customers.
Marketing opportunities to our local community include:
- Presence on website promoting your sponsorship
- Placement in an email newsletter to 1,800+ membership database to introduce sponsorship
- Additional placement in an ongoing newsletter to promote specific offers
- Social post to promote sponsorship
- Opportunity to enhance presence at our Tournaments
There are a variety of opportunities to support Berkhamsted Raiders:
- Team sponsorship – Each of our Raiders teams needs a sponsor to fund the cost of the kit and you can sponsor a variety of age groups across boys and girls teams. The sponsorship lasts three years at which time we replace the team kit. The Club Colours are blue and black striped shirts, black shorts and socks.
- Girls Tournament Sponsorship – the Raiders Girls Tournament takes place on Saturday 25th July 2021
- Boys Tournament sponsorship – the Raiders Boys Tournament tales place on Sunday 26th July 2021.