Football Foundation targets Berkhamsted for investment
Some good news for Berkhamsted and for Raiders comes in the publication of the Dacorum Local Football Facility Plan. The Local Football Facility Plan identifies the priority projects for potential investment in a local area. The LFFP is created by the FA and the Football Foundation alongside the Premier League and Sport England (on behalf of the Government) following consultation with local councils and clubs. The LFFP is, in effect, the go-to document for football facility investment in Dacorum. Specific to Berkhamsted, the Plan identifies the following priority projects for the town:
A second 3G Pitch in Berkhamsted
The Plan gives priority to the creation of a second full size 3GP pitch in Berkhamsted to supplement the existing, at full capacity, BerkoAstro. “Further feasibility works are required to determine the most appropriate location for this facility. This proposed facility will support Berkhamsted Raiders CFC, which have c100+ teams.”
Improved grass pitches and facilities
The Plan highlights several locations for improvement and investment in additional maintenance:
- Durrants Lane – three new pitches have been created as part of the s106 agreement for Bearroc Park. A supporting building is required to provide toilets and catering.
- Velvet Lawn – Raiders currently has use of one of the full-size pitches. Raiders is currently working with Dacorum Borough Council to achieve a Community Asset Transfer of the facilities to expand and improve the playing area and create a Raiders clubhouse, changing rooms and community facilities.
- Lagley Meadow – improvements to the pitch and the ancillary facilities.
- Berkhamsted Cricket Club – where Raiders has mini-soccer pitches that have been identified for improvement.
Great news for Berkhamsted, great news for football and great news for Raiders!