Fundraising Trustee vacancy

At our most recent Trustee meeting we agreed to create a new Trustee role within the club with responsibility for Fundraising and Events. This is an exciting opportunity to build our fundraising strategy to increase revenues for the club. The more revenue we can generate from fundraising, sponsorship and events the better we can plug the gap between our costs and revenue from subscription fees.

A description of the roles is provided below and the deadline for submissions of interest is 30th September 2021. These are unpaid, volunteer roles.

If you have relevant experience in this are and are interested in becoming a Raiders Trustee and want to know more, email Chris Armond, Chair of Trustees on chairman(AT)

Trustee – Fundraising & Events

Role and Responsibilities

  • Build and oversee a volunteer fundraising and events team.
  • Develop the creation and implementation of an integrated fundraising strategy to increase revenue for the Club including a focus on our 25th anniversary for 2021/2022 season.
  • Work with volunteer team to develop and host an calendar of events throughout the season for parents, volunteers and stakeholders.
  • Work with Marketing Trustee to create a Marketing and PR strategy to promote events hosted by the Club
  • Build relationships with key sponsors and oversee marketing support requirements for fundraising and sponsorship initiatives.
  • Work with sponsorship offiicer to develop holistic sponsorship packages using Raiders assets to increase sponsorship revenue
  • Develop relationships with relevant stakeholders locally, regionally and nationally to aid fundraising and sponsorship efforts
  • Work with Operations Manager to source grants and other income opportunities from public and private sector bodies
  • Take responsibility for personal conflicts of interests and declare, record and manage these appropriately.
  • Attend Trustee meetings and contribute to the overall Trustee responsibility for best practice management of the Club.


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